The magic Greek gastronomic universe
Discover gastronomic worlds on Greek territory

We discovered and hereby offer to you the most precious Greek products that nurtured many generations and constitute the pieces that create the mosaic of our culinary memories. Honeys that come to life on steep wuthering cliffs, honeys gently cooled from the sea breeze, olive oils from the most ancient olive grove in Europe, olive oils from olives that remain unharmed since hand-picked one by one, baklavas that bring blossomed fields to mind, raisins that dry out hanging like regal earrings under sunshades, sour cherry drinks straight out of the kitchen cabinet of our childhood, Smyrna cookies from notebooks found only in one’s family hundred year old treasure chest, and all thoseblessed products that are truly worth a place in the Arc of Greek Food.
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Recipes that are recorded as classics
Embark on a Journey of Unforgettable Greek Hospitality with Theophilos.
Stay tuned for more info soon!